It is usual in spring to cleanup one’s toolshed to get the contents in shape and ready for the coming season and to retire old and worn tools.
Sadly, some items won’t get to stay. My Topaz tools are among those. Years ago, I was attracted to several apps from Topaz Labs. My favorites were Simplify, Glow and Impression.

Indeed, they will continue to stay in my toolshed. Topaz Labs continued to improve their products and to add new ones. Apps like DeNoise, Sharpen, and Gigapixels extended the boundaries and pushed the leading edges of technology. These found many more customers and became the direction of development. Topaz Photo AI gathered together the best of those technologies and became a leading offering. The old ones that brought me to Topaz are no longer shown on their Products page.
Alas, the prices, even the upgrade costs, are beyond my meager budget. For now, I will use some of the older editions, but will not blog about them.
.:. © 2023 Ludwig Keck